Smart Compliance Boxed Refill 2" Hema-Flex Bandage Compress, 4/box

Sale price$5.19

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The SmartCompliance refill system for reordering and restocking your First Aid cabinet revolutionizes replenishment. It is quick, easy, and cost effective. As supplies are used, SmartTab ezRefill reminder tabs notify you when it is time to reorder supplies and puts the reorder information at your fingertips. The SmartCompliance Insert Maps also allow you to customize your cabinet to meet your specific first aid needs.

SmartCompliance Refill with 4, 2" Hema-Flex Bandage Compresses. The sterile, Hema-Flex Bandage Compress helps to stop bleeding with a fold out, non-adherent trauma pad and conforming gauze bandage. Each box contains 4, 2" x 36" sterile bandages with attached 2" x 4" non-adherent pad and metal fastening clips. This refill is used in First Aid Only SmartCompliance cabinets: 90832, 90833, 90834 and 90835.

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